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Camera Simulator


If you do not have a camera device plugged into the system, run the camera simulator to view the pipeline analytic results based on a sample video file to mimic real time camera video. You can also use the camera simulator to infinitely loop through a video file for consistent benchmarking. For example, if you want to validate whether the performance is the same for 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours, looping the same video should produce the same results regardless of the duration.

Supported Input Videos

The following simulated camera videos and their respective video outputs are listed in the table below. These are based on an index number in the script that downloads the sample videos. Custom videos will need to add the appropriate index in order to maintain the listed camera numbers.

Simulated Camera Number Video
Camera 0 Coca-Cola Video
Camera 1 Vehicle-Bike Video
Camera 2 People Walking Video
Camera 3 Barcode Video


The URL for the simulated camera video will be rtsp:// where X is the simulated camera number.

Run the Camera Simulator

Follow the steps below to run the camera simulator:

  1. Download the video files to the sample-media directory:

    cd benchmark-scripts;
    cd ..;


    This example downloads a sample video for 1080p@15fps.

       cd benchmark-scripts;
       ./ 1920 1080 15;
       cd ..;


    Only AVC encoded files are supported.

  2. After the video files are downloaded to the sample-media folder, start the camera simulator:

    make run-camera-simulator

  3. Wait for few seconds, and then check if the camera-simulator containers are running:

    docker ps --format 'table{{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Names}}'


    Your output is as follows:

    openvino/ubuntu20_data_runtime:2021.4.2 Up 11 seconds camera-simulator0
    aler9/rtsp-simple-server Up 13 seconds camera-simulator


    There could be multiple containers with the image "openvino/ubuntu20_data_runtime:2021.4.2", depending on the number of sample-media video files provided.


    If all the Docker* containers are not visible, then review the console output for errors. Sometimes dependencies fail to resolve. Address obvious issues and retry.

Stopping the Camera Simulator

  1. The camera simulator may be stopped and cleaned up by running

    make clean-simulator