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Environment Variables (EVs)

The table below lists the environment variables (EVs) that can be used as inputs for the container running the inferencing pipeline.

This list of EVs specifically supports the GST profile DLStreamer workloads.

Variable Description Values
AGGREGATE aggregate branches of the gstreamer pipeline, if any, at the end of the pipeline "", "gvametaaggregate name=aggregate", "aggregate branch. ! queue"
BARCODE_RECLASSIFY_INTERVAL time interval in seconds for barcode classification Ex: 5
CLASSIFICATION_OPTIONS extra classification pipeline instruction parameters "", "reclassify-interval=1 batch-size=1 nireq=4 gpu-throughput-streams=4"
CPU_SW_DECODER force to use software decoder for gst-launch decoding video frames in CPU "force-sw-decoders=1"
DECODE decoding element instructions for gst-launch to use Ex: "decode bin force-sw-decoders=1"
DETECTION_OPTIONS extra object detection pipeline instruction parameters "", "gpu-throughput-streams=4 nireq=4 batch-size=1"
GST_DEBUG for running pipeline in gst debugging mode 0, 1
GST_PIPELINE_LAUNCH for launching gst pipeline script file path and name Ex: "/home/pipeline-server/framework-pipelines/yolov5_pipeline/"
LOG_LEVEL log level to be set when running gst pipeline ERROR, INFO, WARNING, and more
OCR_RECLASSIFY_INTERVAL time interval in seconds for OCR classification Ex: 5
PARALLEL_PIPELINE run pipeline in parallel using the tee branch "", "! tee name=branch ! queue"
PARALLEL_AGGRAGATE aggregate parallel pipeline results together, paired use with PARALLEL_PIPELINE "", "! gvametaaggregate name=aggregate ! gvametaconvert name=metaconvert add-empty-results=true ! gvametapublish name=destination file-format=2 file-path=/tmp/results/r$cid_count.jsonl ! fpsdisplaysink video-sink=fakesink sync=true --verbose branch. ! queue !"
VA_SURFACE use video analytics surface from the shared memory if applicable "", "! "video/x-raw(memory
BATCH_SIZE number of frames batched together for a single inference to be used in gvadetect batch-size element 0, 1

This list of EVs is common for all profiles.

Variable Description Values
AUTO_SCALE_FLEX_140 allow workload to manage autoscaling 1, 0
CPU_ONLY for overriding inference to be performed on CPU only 1, 0
DEVICE for setting device to use for pipeline run "GPU", "CPU", "AUTO", "MULTI:GPU,CPU"
LOW_POWER for running pipelines using GPUs only 1, 0
OCR_DEVICE optical character recognition device "CPU", "GPU"
PRE_PROCESS pre process command to add for inferencing "pre-process-backend=vaapi-surface-sharing", "pre-process-backend=vaapi-surface-sharing pre-process-config=VAAPI_FAST_SCALE_LOAD_FACTOR=1"
PIPELINE_PROFILE for choosing OVMS workload's pipeline profile to run use make list-profiles to see Values
RENDER_MODE for displaying pipeline and overlay CV metadata 1, 0
STREAM_DENSITY_MODE for starting pipeline stream density testing 1, 0
STREAM_DENSITY_FPS for setting stream density target fps value Ex: 15.0
STREAM_DENSITY_INCREMENTS for setting incrementing number of pipelines for running stream density Ex: 1

Applying EV to Run Pipeline

EV can be applied in two ways:

1. as parameter input to script
2. in the env files

The input parameter will override the one in the env files if both are used.

EV as input parameter


PIPELINE_PROFILE="object_detection" CPU_ONLY=1 RENDER_MODE=0 sudo -E ./ --platform core --inputsrc rtsp://


Those EVs in front of like CPU_ONLY, RENDER_MODE are applied to this run only and they are also known as command line environment overrides, or environment overrides. They will override the default values in env files if any.

Editing the Env Files

EV can be configured for advanced user in configs/opencv-ovms/envs/. As an example for gst pipeline profile, there are two Env files can be configured:

    - `yolov5-cpu.env` file for running pipeline in core system
    - `yolov5-gpu.env` file for running pipeline in gpu or multi

These two files currently hold the default values.