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Docker-Compose for Developer Toolbox

Pipelines can be run using docker-compose files. Changes are custom made inside the docker-compose.yml file for integration with the Developer Toolbox.


To utilize all the features offered by Automated Self-Checkout, run the pipelines as illustrated in the section Run Pipelines.

Steps to Run Pipelines

  1. Before running, complete the prerequisites for setting Up the Pipelines. !!! Note Ensure Docker Compose v2 is installed in order to run the pipelines via this feature.

  2. Customize the docker-compose.yml to add the number of camera simulators required and the number of different type of pipelines that need to be run


    Follow all the instructions in docker-compose.yml for customizations.

  3. Run the pipelines

    make run-pipelines
  4. All the containers i.e camera simulators, OVMS server and pipelines should start without any errors in portainer as shown below in Figure 1

    Figure 1: Pipelines Running Successfully
    Figure 1: Pipelines Running Successfully

  5. Stop the pipelines

    make down-pipelines